Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
My poor boy will starve..... He is eating ice cream, pudding, chocolate milk and he's hungry still. He wants to know when he can eat pizza again. How cute is that??? He is on the next day and so far so good. I think the incisions are scabbing over because he says he feels like there is something in the back of his throat. I keep him well medicated on pain relievers though so that helps. Hopefully he doesn't lose any weight through this recovery. As he is finally hit the 80 lb. mark. Yeah!!!!!! Keep you all posted.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Well Jordan had his tonsils ou today... and he is recovering fine now. He is very tired and a soar throat. Nothing unusual. he made us proud.. did so well at the surgical center. big deal, surgery to a kid. He is going to sleep so much better and hop0efully we will rid him of his headaches for good now. He will be able to enjoy Christmas, by then the healing should be done. I'll keep evryone posted on the progress.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Meet Lou.....
She's the lady I caregive for. You gotta love this lil 87 year old. She's something to put up with me 3 days a week 4 hours a day. I have really enjoyed doing this JOB. If that's what you call it. Visiting and getting paid, seems almost not right you know. She is something, just wanted you to meet her.